Code of conduct

Our code of conduct is the foundation for our business and our sustainability work. It, together with policies and other internal guidelines, tells our stakeholders what we expect from them and also what they can expect from us.

The code of conduct is based on our core values: Competence, Efficiency, Personal, Safety

Kranpunkten follows global guidelines and principles from the United Nations;

      • The 17 Global Goals for sustainable development in the three perspectives of social, economic and environmental sustainability and the Global Compact,
      • The ten principles regarding human rights, working conditions, environment and anti-corruption as well
      • The eight ILO fundamental Conventions concerning minimum standards for working conditions.

Laws, regulations and rules

All employees and business partners must comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations in the industry areas and in the countries in which we operate.

Economic crime
We work to combat economic crime. This means that we report our financial transactions correctly and distance ourselves from all undeclared work.

We work for healthy competition and measures that limit free competition in any way are not accepted.

We distance ourselves from all forms of corruption. This means that we act and make decisions without consideration of personal gain for ourselves or for those close to us. We also do not exploit relationships with business partners for our own gain. If an employee conducts business outside Kranpunkten, this must be approved by Kranpunkten.

Bribes and gifts
We never accept, directly or indirectly, bribes or other improper benefits or compensation, for the benefit of the business and/or for financial gain.Employees may receive and offer gifts, services and entertainment from and to customers and suppliers, provided that this complies with our internal guidelines and is not of an overly lavish or excessive type. Employees must be vigilant against strong expressions of favoritism and neither offer nor accept gifts, services or entertainment that fall outside reasonable business practices or specific company requirements.

Human rights and working conditions

At Kranpunkten, we respect each person's individual fundamental right to the protection of personal data. We comply with data protection legislation such as GDPR when it comes to the collection, processing and storage of personal data, and the employees who handle personal data must always process this in line with the instructions that Kranpunkten gives. All processing of personal data must be justified and used for specific and legitimate business purposes, and detected or suspected breaches of data protection must be immediately reported.

Safe working environment and health
Kranpunkten's workplaces must be safe places to stay. We work long-term, transparently and systematically to develop the working environment, promote the health of our employees and prevent injuries and accidents at work. In daily work, everyone must take personal responsibility for health and safety by following current instructions and routines, but also by noticing and immediately reporting any deficiencies and risks that may threaten a safe working environment. It is also about helping in various ways to improve your own and your colleagues' work environment. All our employees have the full right to stop work in the event of a risk of accident, accident, danger or risk of ill health, that is a matter of course for us.

Equality and diversity
At Kranpunkten, everyone is covered by the same opportunities and rights regardless of gender identity or expression, ethnic affiliation, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation or age. For us, the equal value of all people is a matter of course and we always stand up for equality and diversity.

Offensive discrimination, harassment, discrimination
We have zero tolerance for any form of abusive discrimination, such as harassment, sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination in our workplaces. Our responsibility is to prevent this by creating a good corporate culture together with our employees and to take strong action if violations do occur. All our employees are required to report if they see or suspect violations.

Child labor
Kranpunkten does not accept child labor and we support the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). On occasions when we have employees under the age of 18, special measures must be taken to protect them from tasks that could pose a risk to health and safety.

Forced and bonded labour
Work must be done on a voluntary basis. Kranpunkten distances itself from all work performed under duress. This includes illegal labour.

Freedom of association
Kranpunkten respects the employees' right to form and join a labour union of their choice and to negotiate collectively.

Reasonable terms of employment
Kranpunkten does not accept unreasonable working conditions. Employees must be offered employment conditions in accordance with the requirements of the law, or at the same level as in central collective agreements, with regard to working hours, compensation, holidays, sick leave and parental leave.


Preventive and long-term environmental work
Kranpunkten works to eliminate environmental risks and minimize our impact on the environment. Through our management system, environmental work takes place systematically as an integrated part of the business and our goal is clear - we must be the best in the industry.

Focus areas
We work continuously to reduce the impact of our operations on the environment. We do this best by focusing on the areas where we can make the biggest difference.

Our focus areas are:

  • Reduced emissions from our machinery and other vehicles·
  • Reduced emissions from our external carriers·
  • Phasing out of environmentally and health hazardous substances in our workshops·
  • Reduced energy consumption in our premises·      
  • Reduced amount of waste

We make demands on our stakeholders
Our stakeholders play a decisive role in how we succeed with our environmental work, so we not only set high demands on ourselves but also on them. In the purchasing process, we assess the suppliers' environmental performance, an evaluation which then forms the basis for our choice of supplier. Within the organization, we ensure that each employee is well aware of how their work tasks affect the environment and how they should act to minimize these. In parallel, we follow the development of new environmentally better technology that can contribute to reducing our environmental footprint. Together with our stakeholders, we must reduce our environmental impact significantly - that is our goal.

Compliance requirements

The content of the code of conduct is continuously followed up in the business. Employees in senior positions have a special responsibility to set a good example, and all employees are encouraged to raise the alarm if they suspect anything that goes against the code of conduct.

If an employee or other stakeholder does not act in accordance with the code of conduct, action will be taken. In the event of a serious violation, the cooperation will be terminated.

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