Rental insurance

Since working with machinery always entails a certain risk, as well as the possibility of burglary and vandalism at the workplace, Kranpunkten provides a secure rental insurance that covers fire, theft, or other damage.

You sign the insurance policy when you rent the equipment. The fee is 6% of the gross price, and the deductible is 4,000 SEK per occurrence of damage.

Please note that there are exceptions when the rental insurance does not apply, such as in cases of careless handling, wear and tear, or similar circumstances.

Damage in traffic (traffic and vehicle damage)

In cases where the damage occurs in traffic, it will be covered by the traffic insurance. A deductible of 20% of the base price amount will be charged to you as the customer in these situations. The base price amount is indexed.

Height-related damage

In addition to the above, in the case of damage caused by collision in height, there will be an additional deductible of 25% of the base price amount.

Please note that in these cases, both a deductible related to the traffic damage and a deductible related to the height-related damage will be charged to you as the customer.

In case of an accident

If damage occurs to any of our machines, immediately contact your Kranpunkten depot. Provide your customer number, address, telephone number, and contact name.

  • Describe the damaged property through a damage report. In the event of a crime, the damage should be reported to the police immediately. In case of theft, you should be able to provide the time of the theft.
  • Provide a brief description of the sequence of events and the actions taken since the discovery of the damage.

Contact Us

You need to agree that we store your data according to our personal policy,
which you can read here
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